Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oneexposure -

While I was wandering the forums of DP Challenge, I came across a link to
It sounds like a different photographic community.

From their FAQ

What is Onexposure?

Onexposure is an artsproject and a photo community with a difference. Take the most talented photobloggers of the web and other famous photographers as well as many serious amateurs, select their best work and put it all in one place - there you have Onexposure. Everyone is welcome to contribute, but every photo is screened, which means it has to be approved by an editor before being published. Onexposure is like a constantly evolving high class photo gallery with new art every day. We don't judge over good and bad, or over art, we merely decide if a photo fits into our gallery or not. Like in an arts gallery, you can buy many of the photos as prints and hang them on your wall. Onexposure also offers a premium membership, which includes unlimited image hosting and your own professional homepage with complete control over what photos to display.We created Onexposure because we missed an online collection of only high quality photos, we thought the photo critique was too brief on other sites and we wanted a site that was elegant and easy to navigate. Our mission is to be a source of inspiration and ultimately finding the sublime together, but if the latter doesn't succeed we believe that everyone will develop as photographers and make some friends along the journey.


Debra Trean said...

I have tried that site and was really surprised to hear the feedback from them on why images are rejected. I think there is no real reason most of the time as I have read others feedback as to why their images are rejected. I think the community is run by a few people perhaps and as all online photo sites it is based on popularity not really photography technique or expertise. That is my two cents on the site.

Craig T said...

Yeah I'd agree. As with every photo site out there I think that each one is its own community with their own unique style. Also, with photographers with a more developed style its easier to identify their work so they get accolades more often from their peers.

In my case I thought I would try one of the images that was a little more "out there". The one I selected was a little too out there and got rejected but it was worth a try.