Finally after months of waiting we got to see the results of this year's Scavenger Hunt. The theme was North of the Tracks and took place downtown between the tracks (duh!) and third avenue here in Calgary. Each team had to come up with a witty name starting with a letter we drew randomly. I (who was somehow team captain) drew the letter W so we decided to go with WUT? from our last names Wong, Untershultz, and Taylor. We managed to get most of the images but had a tough time with some of them. There were a few that when we found out what they were made us groan because we had seen the subject that the clue referenced but didn't make the connection. Nevertheless we did pretty well getting second overall and I ended up with the best overall image in the competition. (Did I just toot my own horn? Toot-toot! Yes I did!)
The rest of my shots can be found
here. Kevin and Jim had some terrific shots. If only we had been able to find all the subjects...
Here are Jim's shots
Here are Kevin's shots:
1 comment:
sweet photo. keep on shooting and keep up the kicks.
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